Hacking the Netgear N300 Wireless Router

Hardware hacking the Netgear N300 Wireless Router (WNR2000v4).


Netgear N300 Wireless Router (WNR2000v4)

Hardware Disassembly

Use the T5 torx bit to remove the single screw from the bottom of the case. Afterwards, remove the plastic side cover and carefully pry out the electronic board. Review the disassembly video in the resources section if additional help is needed.

Locating UART Interface

With the board outside the case, one can notice that there exists a UART interface labeled JP1. However, the pins are not individually labeled so a multimeter is required.

Locating UART Interface

Identifying GND, RX, TX, and VCC using a Multimeter

Now that the UART interface has been located, one must identify the individual UART pins as they are not labeled. This can be achieved using a multimeter.

Connecting the UART Terminal to the Computer

Now that the individual pins have been identified on the UART terminal, the next step is to connect the wireless router to a computer using the USB to UART converter and jumper wires. Specifically, use three jumper wires to make the following connections:

Connecting Jumper Wires to UART Interface

Notice how the RX and TX connections connect to each other inversely. This is because the converter’s TX pin sends data to the router’s RX pin which receives it. Likewise, the converter’s RX pin receives data from the router’s TX pin which sends it. This is how a read and write connection is established between the router and computer.

Connecting Jumper Wires to UART Converter

Before the router can be connected to the computer, the correct voltage must be set on the converter in order to prevent damaging the hardware. This will either be 3.3V or 5V depending on the device. In this case, it is set to 3.3V as the multimeter read a constant value of 3.3V from the Voltage (VCC) UART pin.

Now that the jumper wires are properly connected and the correct voltage is set, connect the converter to the computer using a proper Mini-USB cable. This concludes the hardware steps.

Gaining Root Access

Note, all the following steps were performed on a Linux system.

First, list the system’s USB devices.

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 Serial (UART) IC

Next, list the device files. The converter can be seen as ttyUSB0.

$ ls -lart /dev
crw-rw----   1 root dialout   188,   0 Dec 29 14:08 ttyUSB0

Note, the current user should be added to the dialout group. Restart the session or restart for the group changes to take effect.

$ sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
$ groups    
... dialout

To interact with the device, minicom, a serial communication program, will be used. Install minicom using the distro’s respective package manager. Once installed, start the process.

$ sudo minicom -s

| Filenames and paths      |
| File transfer protocols  |
| Serial port setup        |
| Modem and dialing        |
| Screen and keyboard      |
| Save setup as dfl        |
| Save setup as..          |
| Exit                     |
| Exit from Minicom        |

Navigate to the Serial port setup configuration and update the following settings:

| A -    Serial Device      : /dev/ttyUSB0                              |
| B - Lockfile Location     : /var/lock                                 |
| C -   Callin Program      :                                           |
| D -  Callout Program      :                                           |
| E -    Bps/Par/Bits       : 115200 8N1                                |
| F - Hardware Flow Control : No                                        |
| G - Software Flow Control : No                                        |
| H -     RS485 Enable      : No                                        |
| I -   RS485 Rts On Send   : No                                        |
| J -  RS485 Rts After Send : No                                        |
| K -  RS485 Rx During Tx   : No                                        |
| L -  RS485 Terminate Bus  : No                                        |
| M - RS485 Delay Rts Before: 0                                         |
| N - RS485 Delay Rts After : 0                                         |
|                                                                       |
|    Change which setting?                                              |

With the serial port setup completed, go back to the main configuration screen and navigate to Exit. This will bring up the terminal which is now reading data directly from the router via the UART converter.

Welcome to minicom 2.8

OPTIONS: I18n                                                                
Port /dev/ttyUSB0, 00:00:00                                                  
Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys 

Powering on the router shows the entire boot process then grants a root shell.

U-Boot 1.1.4 (Nov 26 2012 - 15:58:42)

DNI HW ID: 29763904 flash 4MB RAM 32MB U-boot dni29 V0.5
Boot up procedure is Finished!!!                                                
Please press Enter to activate this console.                                    
BusyBox v1.4.2 (2017-06-27 10:21:32 CST) Built-in shell (ash)                   
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.                                   
  _______                     ________        __                                
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_                              
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|                             
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|                             
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M                                  
 KAMIKAZE (bleeding edge, r18571) ------------------                            
  * 10 oz Vodka       Shake well with ice and strain                            
  * 10 oz Triple sec  mixture into 10 shot glasses.                             
  * 10 oz lime juice  Salute!                                                   

Success! With a root shell on the router, the next stage involves enumerating the system to look for any potential vulnerabilities in the firmware and software.
